CTE Career Pathways » Marketing, Sales & Service

Marketing, Sales & Service

The Marketing, Sales, and Services sector is designed to align career-path course work with current and projected employment opportunities. There is a basic business foundation in this sector: marketing and innovation are two major competitive issues for business today. Marketing includes the processes and techniques of identifying, promoting, and transferring products or services to consumers and is a function of almost every business. It exists within an environment of rapidly changing technology, interdependent nations and economies, and increasing demands for ethical and social responsibility.


The three pathways in this sector (Marketing, Professional Sales, and Entrepreneurship/Self-Employment) emphasize training to meet the growing need for marketing professionals with skills in communication, small business, self-employment, advertising, marketing strategies, product and service management, and promotion and selling concepts.


These pathways provide a firm foundation for advanced education, entry to a career, and success in the global marketplace. All industry sectors include entrepreneurship and marketing, and therefore students in the Marketing, Sales, and Services sector have a variety of career options.


Marketing, Sales & Service

Pathway Courses at RUSD


Using both creative and systems processes, develop marketing concepts and principles and their practical application in marketing and management. Subject matter includes market research, economics, marketing budgets, creative development and design, and marketing foundations/ functions with emphasis on public relations, advertising, branding, promotion, product/service management, pricing and distribution. Specialized programs of study in this field may include sports marketing, hospitality marketing, advertising or market research.

This course prepares students to work in the field of Information Technology. Students will be able to demonstrate digital literacy through basic study of computer hardware, operating systems, networking, the Internet, web publishing, spreadsheets and database software. Through a series of hand-on activities, students will learn what to expect in the field of Information Technology and begin exploring career options in the field.

Articulation with Mt. SAC (Courses CISB 31)

This course meets the University of California/California State University “g” (College Preparatory Elective) entrance requirements.

Students will learn what it takes to successfully market products in the United States, and gain an awareness of the global marketplace. Students will learn marketing functions and strategies that include sales, promotion, buying, marketing research, and management. Marketing occupations involve frequent use of teamwork, decision-making and leadership skills. Students will practice these skills through classroom activities and projects. Students will gain awareness to marketing careers, their trends and requirements. Students will practice effective communication skills through written and oral presentations. Marketing and communication skills used as a career choice or used, as a consumer will better prepare students for their future. This course is designed to provide the student with the basic skills, knowledge and understanding necessary for employment.

This course meets the University of California/California State University “b” (College Preparatory Elective) entrance requirements.

Learn how to invest, manage and protect your money. Personal Finance is a one-year course providing an overview of economics, financial services and institutions, investments (stocks, bonds, and other investment options), the importance of establishing credit, maintaining a strong credit score, preventing identification theft, time value of money, buying/renting/selling a home, taxes, insurance (life, auto, home, health) estate/retirement planning, and money management.

Articulation with Mt. SAC (Courses FCS 80)

This course meets the University of California/California State University “d” (College Preparatory Elective) entrance requirements.

Prerequisite: Completion of the Marketing Career Pathway core courses culminating in a “B” average and completion of Pathway area of concentration courses culminating in a yearly “B” average in each class.

Senior Seminar is a one-year course offered to senior students who are completing the Career Certification Program in the Marketing Career Pathway. This course includes a 36-hour internship, which provides students with a supervised practical workplace experience. Students complete an extensive research project, which is presented both orally and in writing. Students also develop a portfolio, which will help them organize and present a collection of their work for the purpose of assessment as well as for presentation to prospective employers. They also enhance their employment skills by participating in an interview with a panel of judges. Upon successful completion of this course, students will receive a certificate of completion.

This course meets the University of California/California State University “g” (College Preparatory Elective) entrance requirements.


For more career information, visit the

California Career Zone Website

Marketing, Sales & Service Industry Sector
