Health Science & Medical Technology
The standards taught in this sector represent the academic and technical skills and knowledge students need to pursue a full range of career opportunities in health science and medical technology, from entry level to management as well as technical and professional career specialties. The standards describe what workers need to know and be able to do to contribute to the delivery of safe and effective health care.
The six career pathways are grouped into functions that have a common purpose and require similar attributes. The pathways are Biotechnology, Patient Care, Health Care Administrative Services, Health Care Operational Support Services, Public and Community Health, and Mental and Behavioral Health. Standards for each career path build on and continue the anchor standards with more complexity, rigor, and career specificity.
Health Science & Medical Technology
Pathway Courses at RUSD
The standards for the Patient Care Career pathway apply to occupations or functions involved in the prevention, treatment, and management of illness and the preservation of mental and physical well-being through the services offered by the medical and allied health professions. The standards specify the knowledge and skills needed by professional and technical personnel pursuing careers in this pathway.
• Diversified Health Occupations
This course builds on basic principles of medical science, terminology and vocabulary needed to work in the healthcare field. Students will focus on anatomy, physiology, pathologies of the various systems, structural details of the human body and a rigorous study of the body systems. Students will apply scientific methodologies of developing hypotheses, evaluating data, inquiry and drawing conclusions to the practices employed by health care professionals. Comprehensive medical vocabulary will be related to the body styles and medical specialties. Integrated throughout the course are career preparation standards, which include basic academic skills, communication, interpersonal skills, problem solving, safety, technology and career opportunities in healthcare; as well as the roles and responsibilities of the health care team. In addition, students will receive instruction in CPR and First Aid. Students will have the opportunity to participate in a work-based learning Community Classroom.
Articulation with Mt. SAC (Course Medi 90)
This course meets the University of California/California State University “g” (College Preparatory Elective) entrance requirements.
• Medical Assistant - Administrative
Prerequisite: Diversified Health Occupations
The Medical Assistant-Administrative course will provide students with skills necessary to obtain entry-level positions within a medical facility. Integrated throughout the course are basic "core class" skills and career preparation standards associated with patient care. Students will have the opportunity to participate in work-based learning/Community Classroom Internship.
This course meets the University of California/California State University “g” (College Preparatory Elective) entrance requirements.
• Medical Assistant - Clinical
Prerequisite: Diversified Health Occupations
The Medical Assistant-Clinical course will provide students with skills necessary to obtain entry level positions within a medical facility. Integrated throughout the course are basic "core class" skills and career preparation standards associated with patient care. Students will have the opportunity to participate in work-based learning/Community Classroom Internship.
This course meets the University of California/California State University “g” (College Preparatory Elective) entrance requirements.
• Senior Seminar - Health & Medical
Prerequisite: Completion of the Health Science & Medical Technology Career Pathway core courses culminating in a “B” average and completion of Pathway area of concentration courses culminating in a yearly “B” average in each class.
Senior Seminar is a one-year course offered to senior students who are completing the Career Certification Program in the Health Science & Medical Technology Career Pathway. This course includes a 36-hour internship, which provides students with a supervised practical workplace experience. Students complete an extensive research project, which is presented both orally and in writing. Students also develop a portfolio, which will help them organize and present a collection of their work for the purpose of assessment as well as for presentation to prospective employers. They also enhance their employment skills by participating in an interview with a panel of judges. Upon successful completion of this course, students will receive a certificate of completion.
This course meets the University of California/California State University “g” (College Preparatory Elective) entrance requirements.
For more career information, visit the
California Career Zone Website
Health Science & Medical Technology Industry Sector