Business/Community Partners » CTE Advisory Committee

CTE Advisory Committee

The Rowland Unified School District's Career Technical Education Program (CTE) is assisted with Perkins IV funding.  In accordance with the Perkins funding requirements, the RUSD Board of Education appoints an advisory committee to develop recommendations on the program and to provide liaison between the district and potential employers. 


The members of the CTE Advisory Committee meet annually to review curriculum, make recommendation for changes and/or updates and respond to questions from teachers and other participants regarding current trends in industry. This input is critical to meet state and federal requirements. 


Advisory Committee Members include parents, students, academic and career technical education teachers, faculty, administrators, career guidance and academic counselors, representatives of business and industry, labor organizations, representatives of special populations, representatives from the field office of the Employment Development Department (EDD), and other interested individuals in the development, implementation and evaluation of the CTE programs.



2019-2020 Advisory Meeting

The 2019-2020 school year advisory meeting was held on February 11, 2020.  Each career pathway advisory met separately and the minutes from each meeting are posted below.


2018-19 Advisory Meeting

The 2018-2019 school year advisory meeting was held on February 19, 2019.  Each career pathway advisory met separately and the minutes from each meeting are posted below.