Information & Communications Technologies
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have expanded the need for employees who can understand, manage, and support all rapidly emerging, evolving, and converging computer, software, networking, telecommunications, Internet, programming, and information systems. Essential skills for careers in the ICT sector include understanding systems that support the management and flow of data, the ability to work well and communicate clearly with people, and the ability to manage projects efficiently.
The ICT sector meets national criteria for high demand, high wages, and high skills and provides students with excellent opportunities for interesting work and good pay. More than 70 percent of jobs in this sector require a bachelor's degree.

Information & Communications Technologies
Pathway Courses at RUSD
Students in the Software and Systems Development Career pathway prepare for careers related to computer science that involve the design, development, implementation, maintenance, and management of systems that rely on software programs to satisfy the operational needs of modern business organizations. Persons with expertise in systems development and programming are critical to support operations like electronic commerce, medical records management, retail sales and inventory management, digital entertainment, and use of energy.
• AP Computer Science Principles
Computer Science Principles (CSP) curriculum is a full-year, rigorous, entry-level course that introduces high school students to the foundations of modern computing. The course covers a broad range of foundational topics such as programming, algorithms, the Internet, big data, digital privacy and security, and the societal impacts of computing.
This course meets the University of California/California State University “d” (College Preparatory Elective) entrance requirements.
Prerequisite: Algebra 1
• Computer & Information Technologies
This course prepares students to work in the field of Information Technology. Students will be able to demonstrate digital literacy through basic study of computer hardware, operating systems, networking, the Internet, web publishing, spreadsheets and database software. Through a series of hand-on activities, students will learn what to expect in the field of Information Technology and begin exploring career options in the field.
Articulation with Mt. SAC (Courses CISB 31)
This course meets the University of California/California State University “g” (College Preparatory Elective) entrance requirements.
• AP Computer Science A
Computer Science introduces students to coding fundamentals through an approachable, block-based programming language where they will have early success in creating usable apps. As students sharpen their computational thinking skills, they will transition to programming environments that reinforce coding fundamentals by displaying block programming and text-based programming side-by-side. Students will learn the power of text-based programming as they are introduced to the Python® programming language.
This course meets the University of California/California State University “d” (College Preparatory Elective) entrance requirements.
Information Support & Services Career Pathway
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have expanded the need for employees who can understand, manage, and support all rapidly emerging, evolving, and converging computer, software, networking, telecommunications, Internet, programming, and information systems. Essential skills for careers in the ICT sector include understanding systems that support the management and flow of data, the ability to work well and communicate clearly with people, and the ability to manage projects efficiently. The ICT sector meets national criteria for high demand, high wages, and high skills and provides students with excellent opportunities for interesting work and good pay. More than 70 percent of jobs in this sector will require a bachelor’s degree or higher by 2018.
• Cyber Security I
This is the first course in the Cybersecurity Program. Students will learn about Cyber Ethics, Fundamentals of Computing, Networking, Cryptology, Linux, System Administration, Cybersecurity Threats, Risk Identification, and much more. They will be in an engaging learning environment with simulations and authentic, cyber security applications during class and are expected to participate in cybersecurity competitions throughout the year.
• Senior Seminar - Technology
Prerequisite: Completion of the Software Systems or Information Support and Services Career Pathway core courses culminating in a “B” average and completion of Pathway area of concentration courses culminating in a yearly “B” average in each class.
Senior Seminar is a one-year course offered to senior students who are completing the Software Systems or Information Support and Services Career Pathway. This course includes a 36-hour internship, which provides students with a supervised practical workplace experience. Students complete an extensive research project, which is presented both orally and in writing. Students also develop a portfolio, which will help them organize and present a collection of their work for the purpose of assessment as well as for presentation to prospective employers. They also enhance their employment skills by participating in an interview with a panel of judges. Upon successful completion of this course, students will receive a certificate of completion.
This course meets the University of California/California State University “g” (College Preparatory Elective) entrance requirements.

For more career information, visit the
California Career Zone Website
Information & Communications Technologies Industry Sector