- Examine transcripts for certificate eligibility.
- Bring in 1 ream of printing paper (for your use).
- Business Attire research and acquire clothing.
- Complete student and parent paperwork information.
- Classroom and peer introductions/team building.
- Prepare brag sheet/request letter of recommendation.
- Sexual Harassment Training (Week 3).
- Write Thank You note to presenter
- Week 1- Prepare the following for internship interview and portfolio: (save files).
- Resume.
- Letter of application.
- Complete a Job Application.
- Interviewing for your career.
- Complete internship interview w/ ICC.
- Acquire internship coordinator’s contact information
- Prepare internship folder (DO NOT LOSE THIS!!).
- Submit Letters of Recommendations.
- Write Thank You notes for letters of recommendation.
- Week 7 - Research/present career opportunities in your field of interest & colleges that offer your majors.
- Learn and practice business social etiquette/dining.
- Prepare business cards for the Executive Luncheon.
- Submit Career Presentation ideas, and decide on one per group.
- Begin research on the career.
- Submit first draft of Career Presentation.
- Finish Career Presentations
- Practice Presenting Career Presentations
- Present Career Presentation at the Career Fair
- Submit 3 Research Project ideas and decide on one per group.
- Submit Project/Presentation Plan Form Due Dec. 17.
- Librarian: Lesson on using EBSCO & Proquest for research
- Create an annotated bibliography using scholarly research
- Begin research papers for research project.
- Submit first draft of research paper/peer review.
- Prepare 1st draft of Abstracts.
- Complete research paper.
- Submit final draft of research paper.
- Begin project and complete project task list.
- Journaling during internships.
- Prepare PowerPoint.
- Compile Statistics and evidence for the research
- Practice Presentations.
- Complete Research Project Slide Presentation.
- Complete Research PowerPoint and speech.
- Complete PowerPoint and speech.
- Practice presentations to 3 other classes/teachers the last week of February.
- Final Abstracts Due February 21.
- 2nd Draft Abstracts due.
- Assess data received from peers & create graphs & bar charts sharing results
- Finalize presentations
- Verbally practice presenting “Final Presentations”
- Present research project to a panel of judges.
- Prepare & Submit “Thank You” letters for judges.
- Begin compiling project portfolio
- Begin work on portfolio.
- Continue work on portfolio
- Prepare 2 minute introduction for portfolio.
- Practice Exit Interviews.
- Complete final documents for portfolio.
- Attend exit interview (RHS - May 15, NHS - May 22).
- Prepare “Thank You” letters for exit interview evaluators.
- Complete final evaluation of Senior Seminar and the Career Certification Program.
Thursday, June 6 - Graduation.