Senior Seminar » Senior Seminar Class Calendar

Senior Seminar Class Calendar




REFER TO YOUR TEACHER’S Virtual Classroom and Google Classroom



    1. Examine transcripts for certificate eligibility.
    2. Bring in 1 ream of printing paper (for your use).
    3. Business Attire research and acquire clothing.
    4. Complete student and parent paperwork information.
    5. Classroom and peer introductions/team building.
    6. Prepare brag sheet/request letter of recommendation.
    7. Sexual Harassment Training (Week 3).
    8. Write Thank You note to presenter


  1. Week 1- Prepare the following for internship interview and portfolio:  (save files).
    • Resume.
    • Letter of application.
    • Complete a Job Application.
    • Interviewing for your career.
  2. Complete internship interview w/ ICC.
  3. Acquire internship coordinator’s contact information
  4. Prepare internship folder (DO NOT LOSE THIS!!).
  5. Submit Letters of Recommendations.
  6. Write Thank You notes for letters of recommendation.
  7. Week 7  - Research/present career opportunities in your field of interest & colleges that offer your majors.


    1. Learn and practice business social etiquette/dining.
    2. Prepare business cards for the Executive Luncheon.
    3. Submit Career Presentation ideas, and decide on one per group.
    4. Begin research on the career.
    5. Submit first draft of Career Presentation.
    6. Finish Career Presentations


    1. Practice Presenting Career Presentations
    2. Present Career Presentation at the Career Fair
    3. Submit 3 Research Project ideas and decide on one per group.
    4. Submit Project/Presentation Plan Form Due Dec. 17.
    5. Librarian: Lesson on using EBSCO & Proquest for research
    6. Create an annotated bibliography using scholarly research


    1. Begin research papers for research project.
    2. Submit first draft of research paper/peer review.
    3. Prepare 1st draft of Abstracts.
    4. Complete research paper.
    5. Submit final draft of research paper.
    6. Begin project and complete project task list.
    7. Journaling during internships.


    1. Prepare PowerPoint.
    2. Compile Statistics and evidence for the research
    3. Practice Presentations.
    4. Complete Research Project Slide Presentation.
    5. Complete Research PowerPoint and speech.


  1. Complete PowerPoint and speech.
  2. Practice presentations to 3 other classes/teachers the last week of February.
  3. Final Abstracts Due February 21.
  4. 2nd Draft Abstracts due.


  1. Assess data received from peers & create graphs & bar charts sharing results
  2. Finalize presentations
  3. Verbally practice presenting “Final Presentations”
  4. Present research project to a panel of judges
  5. Prepare & Submit “Thank You” letters for judges.
  6. Begin compiling project portfolio


    1. Begin work on portfolio.
    2. Continue work on portfolio
    3. Prepare 2 minute introduction for portfolio.
    4. Practice Exit Interviews.


    1. Complete final documents for portfolio.
    2. Attend exit interview (RHS - May 15, NHS - May 22).
    3. Prepare “Thank You” letters for exit interview evaluators.
    4. Complete final evaluation of Senior Seminar and the Career Certification Program.


Thursday, June 6 - Graduation.